Saturday, July 17, 2010

From Chic Silber #1

FOMFANT1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi professor

Here is a shot of 2 carved foam animals that Mark Anthony

gave to me many years ago during rehearsals in Venice

I would give him lots of large scrap foam that he would

turn into the most detailed creatures with a pair of scissors


Frank Ferrante said...

In watching Circus of Horrors, Mark Anthony is credited with writing the featured song, "Look for a Star" This wasn't the Mark Anthony that we all knew and loved. The song "Look for a Star", used throughout the film during the circus sequences, became a hit pop recording in Great Britain and the United States. It was written by the young Tony Hatch under his regular pseudonym of Mark Anthony. ~frank

Frank Ferrante said...

~OR~ Was Tony Hatch, 'Mark Anthony's'
REAL name? Paging Mr. Cashin! ~frank