Thursday, July 01, 2010

Coney Island Elephants #9

Coney Island Elephants-9, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Luna Park was the site of the January 4, 1903 public execution of the elephant Topsy, condemned to die after killing three men in three years. As for the method of execution, it was decided to use the park’s power plant to electrocute her. (The electric chair had been in use since 1890.)


Anonymous said...

Was Topsy a former Forepaugh-Sells elephant?

Buckles said...

TOPSY (4-Paw Topsy)

1882-85 Adam Forepaugh Show
1886-90 Frank A Robbins Show
(Leased from 4-Paw)
1891-94 Adam Forepaugh Show
1895 Philadelphia Qtrs.
1896-02 Forepaugh-Sells Show

After killing a visitor to the show in Brooklyn, Topsy was given to nearby Luna Park where she was killed by electrocution the following year 1/4/03.

Buckles said...
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Unknown said...

I must admit electrocution surprised me a bit 'cos Barnum & Bailey had done a number of pre-electric chair tests on their animals by connecting them up to large bannks of batteries - of course, they were not after the publicity. The press reports are sad to read & ASPCA would have thrown everybook in sight at them if they had tried it now! The elephants took quite a large charge - strangely, the seals & sea lions were claimed to be unaffected. Alas, some of the monkeys were badly affected & a dog had to be put down.

Fred Neill