Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Circus Oddities #7

Scan11992, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Just another day at the local mall.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw these gals at Walmart today

Jim Z said...

Looks like the Moms outside the show waiting for there Kids to come out...I always loved the lines...."Fat Alice from Dallas...More chins(chens) then a Chinese phone book...When she dances...the Band skips!"....

Dick Flint said...

And how 'bout "She's so big around it takes ten men to hug her and a box car to lug her!"
Dick Flint
P.S. With thanks to my good friend Ward Hall.

Ole Whitey said...

No one will read this a week late, but I once dated a girl who was so fat she could stand on the corner by herself and the cops would drive by and yell, "Okay, break it up over there!!"

Chic Silber said...

Something like when she got on

the supermarket scale the note

said "one at a time please"

If somebody yelled "haul ass"

she would have to make 2 trips

Chic Silber said...

For a brief time before my 1st

lighting job on the Beatty show

I was an assistant diesel show

electrician for Reithoffer

On a couple of fair dates I

met the Connor family of big

people that was primarily a

brother & sister presentation

The sister's husband was of an

average size and their kids

were as well

Truly friendly folks