Tuesday, June 23, 2009

RBBB Madison Sq. Garden

SAVE0609, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Jerry Jay said...

Now THAT looks like a circus!

Harry Kingston said...

Yes Sir Mr. Jerry, that is a circus and any body want to figure what the nut would be now with todays prices.
I have this Kelty in my collection and on the back of the photo some one had written that if you look real good at the right hand side middle entrance you can see Clyde Beatty and Con Colleano looking towards the camera.

4pawfan said...

With the Madison Square Garden shots that Kelty took, I always assumed that there was only 1 inside photo for each year.
When in fact, he would take multiple shots of the spec passing in front of his camera. Some years, I have two or three different photos, with different groups in front of them. I don't think any of us will know the true number of circus photos that he took. Of course he also would take photos of just the bandmembers, clowns,etc during this stand. Plus the dozens he would take of the show when it went under canvas at different dates during the year.

J.C. Hall said...

What I would give to see this shot taken with today's color photo capabilities. You see more detail in B+W but I love the razzle dazzle of color. This shot looks like a back lot set up scene from an old Cleopatra movie.
"The Grandeur of it all"

Roger Smith said...

OK, this is a little more like it.