Sunday, June 14, 2009

RBBB 1961 Program #16

Scan11774, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Jack Ryan said...

A bit surprising not to see Henry "Buddy" North's name as an officer.

Guess they were in the middle of another fight with the 49ers.

Frank Ferrante said...

I was just thinking the same thing, Jack. I thought they were inseparable. ~frank Would love to read the Ringling history that is NOT in print. (I guess that's what we're doing here!) ~frank

Frank Ferrante said...

Am I remembering correctly - was there a time when Lou Jacobs was listed as Treasurer for RBBB?

Jack Ryan said...

Sure was, Frank. But THAT Lou Jacobs was a Washington, DC type who didn't own a tiny car.

Roger Smith said...

Maybe Jack Ryan can help us remember the financial magazine that ran an acutely researched article titled "Ringling Wrangling", about the money and power grabs among the family. Perhaps it was Forbes or Fortune? This was years ago, and one wonders if it can be found on the web somehow. Leonard Farley was astute in this history and told me someone really knew their stuff when they wrote this one.

Jack Ryan said...

Sorry, Roger. Never heard of that story.

Dick Flint said...

Fortune Magazine for July 1947 published two thorough articles on the Ringling organization. Fans may be most familiar with “The Circus - The next-greatest show on earth is the feat of transporting the Ringling troupe” that Chappie Fox reprinted in his epic pictorial “A Ticket to the Circus” and called the best article on the subject ever published. The other article was called “Ringling Wrangling: Three sets of heirs squabble for control of the circus.” The story goes on to also say it makes good money but is still in debt to victims of the Hartford fire. Both articles were illustrated by Karle Zerbe (a German-born artist of some importance whose art was considered degenerative by the Nazis) and there is a photo family tree of the Ringling family as well.
Dick Flint