Friday, June 12, 2009

Dolly Copeland and Mary Jane Miller (From Buckles)

Scan11752, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The morning tests only took about an hour.
The treadmill was easy but having to lay rigid on that steel autopsy table while the X-ray machine revolved around me was agonizing.
I have to return at 2:00 PM for more tests, fortunately I still have the catheter in my arm so I won't have to go thru that again today.

Three more series of tests on the 15th, 17th and 24th.


Chic Silber said...

Once you're in the program

(and have insurance) the testing

never stops only the intervals

seem to get shorter

Betcha the afternoon will include

at least an ultrasound or 2

Ole Whitey said...

Buckles: Glad you survived the morning clinic. Can identify with your various discomforts.

Chic Silber said...

PS The IV in your arm is for

them to inject you with a few

radioisotopes that will have

you glowing in the dark for

several days (so Barbara can

keep track of you at night)

dpowhitetiger said...

MARY JANE MILLER: I once ask Mary Jane aware that she and Dick Miller were married how did she end up in so many Sarasota Winter Quarters pictures. She said, "It was easier for Dick to get her up early go out to quarters and catch the sun in the right position." Mary Jane never took a bad picture. I miss the many visits to SALLY'S and my visits with Mary Jane...
I met Dolly and Tex Copeland in Philly during the CFA Convention some years back. We all worked the BULL ROOM together...Tex and Dolly kept us in Jack-Pots all week. I think we took what was a so, so convention ( I'll never forget those school buses that took us to the HOXIE lot.) and make our own Convention Fun in the BULL ROOM. All good people.

Anonymous said...

When I had this test, they tied my left arm above my head and my shoulder has never been the same. It took half an hour before I could feel anything there.
Bob Kitto