Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daniel (Tamalito) Sanchez, clown


Chic Silber said...

Wonder if he does birthday parties

Anonymous said...

Must have been in a hurry. Forgot the other 2/3 of his makeup.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT's a make-up issue...

Chic Silber said...

I won't start that up again

Jack Ryan said...

Good decision.

Roger Smith said...

Another of the latter-day clown-school make-ups.

As Chuck Burnes lamented long ago, "Does anyone remember what an American circus clown make-up looks like?"

Their make-ups fit their faces, and had character, rather than the picture-perfect paste-on appliques that came out of the Felds clown school.

Frank Ferrante said...

I WAS going to leave this alone, but have to address Roger's comment - Clown College taught that your face was an extension of your own physical feature. I remember Bill Ballentine commenting that you were not creating a mask, like they did for Jimmy Stewart in the GSOE movie, but an extension and exaggeration of your own features. Personally, I didn't really care for this fellows face, (gee - that sounded harsh!) but, it's still HIS face. Mine evolved from whiteface to tramp to Auguste by the time I finally came off the road. Have a GREAT weekend, one and all! ~frank

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Roger

How about that Jack

Jack Ryan said...

How about what?

Jack Ryan said...

Chic Silber:

Please send me your email address.
Have some questions and comments for you that would not be family friendly or appropriate for Buckles' fine blog.

I am


Henry Schroer said...

I would like to to say to Roger Smith that some of the Teachers at Clown School where great American Clowns. And I dont know to much about clown make up.