Tuesday, May 26, 2009

From Tim Dain

donfootecostume2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

If you wouldn't mind posting this picture..I purchased this Don Foote original design at an estate sale & do not know if is from before he joined Feld or is it circus design....does it look familiar to anyone?


Chic Silber said...

It appears to be a Broadway outfit

I'll ask a few friends who are

likely to know

If I had to guess "I do I do"

Frank Ferrante said...

I was thinking Broadway as well, but possibly from the "My Fair Lady" races scene. ~frank

Jeff said...

Looks like "Ascot opening day" attire to me.
Jeff Darnell
aka "JD"

Jeff Darnell said...

"C'mon Rova, move your bloomin arse!"
I repeated this line from My Fair Lady over... and over... and over... again.....much to the chagrin of my parents when I was a kid. It was about as close to "cussing" around the house as I could get without getting into trouble.

Jeff Darnell said...

Of course the horse's name was "Dover."