Sunday, May 24, 2009

1974 Ringling Blue Unit #5

1974 Ringling-4, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

That year, the souvenir program referred to Charly Baumann as the “Tecumseh of the Tigers.” (I wonder how many people know who Tecumseh is/was.) The music played for this particular trick, by the way, was always Manuel de Falla’s “Ritual Fire Dance.”


Jack Ryan said...

I didn't do that particular program book. So cannot take "credit" for "Tecumsah of the Tigers!"


Richard Reynolds said...

Being from Atlanta, the “Tecumseh” I know was Union General William Tecumseh Sherman who laid more fire around here in 1864 than Baumann ever did with his tigers.

The real Tecumseh was a famed Shawnee Indian chief who was heavily involved in opposing US acquisition of Indian lands in and around Indiana which led to the 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe.

Forces under Indiana Governor Harrison prevailed and that helped him to the Presidency. Techmseh sided with the British in the War of 1812 and was killed in it.

General Sherman’s middle name was in honor of the Indian chief.