Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ringling Barnum COMBINED TITLE SHEET (1919)

From Chris Berry

While doing some research today I came across this great little item on a long forgotten incident that happened at Madison Square Garden. (I have attached a photo of a poster that is no doubt similar to those which led young Vincent astray on that spring day nearly 89 years ago...)

Father Takes Home Son Who Wanted to Train Elephants
New York Times - April 8, 1920

Resplendent in the bright uniform of a circus attendant, Vincent Valenzano, 16, stood on the edge of the arena in Madison Square Garden last night watching with rapt wonder the "amazing aerial exhibitions" "performing pachyderms" "wonderful wire walkers" and all of the other things alluringly announced in the pink circus posters all over town. The smell of the sawdust, the blare of the band and the hooplas of the horseback riders filled him with contentment - a contentment of the moment unspoiled by the disquieting fact that members of his family were probably looking all over for him since he shook the dust of 413 First Avenue from his feet on March 24 and hit the sawdust trail.

The show was nearly over and Vincent, with the other attendants, was hurrying to the arena for the hippodrome races when he felt a touch on his arm. It was John Ringling, one of the proprietors of the circus. Vincent's heart gave a bound. He had confided to one of the circus managers his ambition to be an elephant trainer and had asked that Mr. Ringling be approached on the subject. Now, doubtless, Mr. Ringling had decided to give him a chance. He saw his name in big letters on the program, and --

"Sonny," the circus proprietor was saying, "why did you run away from home?" Vincent's heart sank as he saw behind Mr. Ringling his brother-in-law, Anido Cocchi, and a police lieutenant. His game was up. The big letters on the program were far away.

"All right, I'll go home", he said. "But when I get a little bigger -- "

Anido cut him short and went with him and Mr. Ringling to the paymaster's office where Vincent got his back pay.

"I thought that is where we would find you," Anido said as they left the Garden. "Marie heard you had been all day looking at those circus posters. We have been to the circus twice before but we couldn't tell you from the other attendants. Then we got Lieutenant Treanor, of the Welfare Bureau of the Police Department and he suggested we try again."


Buckles said...

Do you have a poster from this era with Barnum & Bailey placed above Ringling Bros.?

Chris Berry said...

The artists and printers at Strobridge were very clever in taking the paper that was still on the shelves at the end of the 1918 season and crosslining the paper - adding Ringling Bros to the Barnum & Bailey bills, Barnum and Bailey to the Ringling posters. In some cases not overprinting but simply pasting the new title onto the existing paper. I am sending a photo of an example.

Bob Cline said...

I have read before of the extremely long title with the John Robinson title added to the Al G. Barnes-Sells Floto title in 1938. I've never seen one. Do you have a poster with this title you could share with all of us?

Harry Kingston said...

Hi Bob,
I know that the Janet May 1 sheet upright, the lady that was the human fly had the Al G. Barnes and Sells Floto and John Robinson Circus title on it.
And then in 1938 when you added all the above and Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Stupendous New Features. What a circus title and to say all that on the radio WOW.
I sure wish I could go back and be at Redfield, S D and see what went on and how the hell they pulled it off. That really must have been something as they had two of everything and who got the boot and who stayed.
It also must have been a circus fans field day picking up all those posters.
I also would loved to have been at Lakeland, Florida when Barnes Sells Floto with RB & BB battled it out with Robbins Bros with Clyde Beatty and Hoot Gibson.
Also on an auction list many years ago there was a cloth banner that Had Ringling Bros Worlds Great Shows and they had added Barnum and Bailey the Greatest Show on Earth to it. Some one with deep pockets must have gotten that one.
I sure enjoy this blog. and keep the pics and comments a coming.
Harry, from hurricane alley

Anonymous said...


I was just telling Chris that I have such a litho but alas it is in a stack and I have no digital camera.

Someday I may have my old Brownie loaded when I am going thru the stack but don't cancel any big dates waiting for me.

Buckles said...

To Harry Kingston:
I've told this story before but I think bears repeating.
Slivers Madison once told me that as the Barnes train pulled into Redfield someone standing in the vestibule yelled, "Look at the size of this tent, I wonder what it is?"
As they drew closer they realized it was the RBBB big top.
The most remarkable part of the story was that it came as a complete shock to over 90 per cent of the people on the show.

Chris Berry said...

Harry - you are absolutely correct. While there may be others, the two posters that I know of for sure that have "John Robinson" added are the lithos for "Anna Merkle, The Human Fly" and "Janet May" (an aerialist). There may be others. As for the LONG title (with the "Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Stupendous New Features" added) one time there was a poster on exhibit at the Circus Hall of Fame (I believe it was for Janet May) which had the whole title on it because the date tail was still attached. There may be others out there but that is the only one that I can safely say that I have seen (and I believe it was for a date late in the season, somewhere in the south...) Maybe Ole' Whitey will tell you about the piece in his collection which only has the title "Ringling Barnum" (no mention at all of Bailey!)

Anonymous said...

Well yes I do have a litho with just "Ringling-Barnum" for a title. It is of Beatty but there was another of Dorothy Herbert.

Bob: The Barnes-Sells-Floto-Robinson I mentioned having is the Anna Merkle one and it does have the RBBB Features tail still on.

Great piece.