Thursday, September 04, 2008

Circus World Wardrobe #6

SAVE0685, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This picture was staged for publicity photos.
Not the type mount one does in high heels.

"Carmen" and "Peggy" on the bottom.
"Hugo" and "Gilda" seated on the tubs.
"Zina" on top.


Anonymous said...

In 1980, when Roy and I had Gee Gee's elephants, Gee Gee insisted I do this mount.
Here's what happened the first week when I stood up on Schell. During a practice (thank God we were on dirt) Schell, who was on top of Gee Gee (ele.) and Roxy, jostled and instantly dropped five feet out from under me, with her front feet to the tub, her back legs went down between the other two elephants.
I tumbled head first off Schell and hit the dirt face first. I ended up with a full length 'dirt burn' down the right side of my face, and was lucky I didn't break my neck.

Gee Gee (person) helped me up with "Are you SURE you're ok, kid?" I said "Sort of."
She said, "Well then, get back up there and try it again! How will you ever be as good as me and Barbara if you don't?"

I thought it was highly unlikely I would ever be as good at mounts as Gee Gee and Barbara anyway, but not wanting to disappoint her, I tried it again and continued to do this mount throughout the year. At the Montreal Forum, I experienced my first case of jello knees because of it. I didn't know I could get jello knees until then. Awful feeling.

I wore tennis shoes in practice, and gum soled flat dance shoes in the show. How, Barbara, you managed it in heels is a complete mystery to me. Bravo!
Buckles, I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I've missed being able to comment on your blog the past several months. The service I have down here is very slow, and I only occasionally see partial pictures, and rarely get to the comments. I usually can read only the home page text. When I get back to the USA, I'll eagerly become a blog contributer once again! thanks

Anonymous said...

Pat, when might we welcome you back to the States? Hope you get this wherever you are "down" there.
Dick Flint