Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fred Alispaw #7

Scan10636, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

A good shot of the herd returning from parade and shows how elaborate the trappings were.
Note the banner on each elephant bearing the name, age and weight.
Even the advertising banners are arranged in a readable fashion.


Harry Kingston said...

The elephant in the middle of the bull line with Floto on her back and the large tusks.
I have a piece of her tusk that Dewey Godfrey gave me the man that killed her in Orange, Texas when she went on a rampage there.
Another beautiful elephant circus photo. This makes my day.

Anonymous said...

I recall Charlie Lucky, old Floto prop boss and other old timers refer to him as "Shorty Alispaw". Seems his wife "Zora" was capable with cats, elephants, etc. From the pictures it would seem he was more than mediocre. We know some guys who are grat dept. bosses, but are not good at training and routining. Mr. Scott would fall in that category. Seems that Col. Woodcock was being very tactful and diplomatic in his comment to a circus fan.