Thursday, July 03, 2008

Davenport Songster (From Richard Flint)

Davenport songster001, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is a songster sold in 1874 by the singing clown John Davenport,
Sr. (1836-1916), who was also a principal rider and equestrian
director in his long career. His wife was Ella Hollis, daughter of
Orrin Hollis, also a rider. They were the parents of John, Jr.,
Albert M "Stick," May, Orrin, and Louise (known as Lulu), all riders.
Interestingly, John, Sr., and his family were on the Ringling show in
1889, the last year it was a wagon show. In addition to his career as
a rider, son Orrin produced some of the earliest Shrine circuses
continuing until his death in 1962.

There is no connection between this talented set of Davenports and Ben
Davenport of the 1940s Dailey Bros.

The Victoria Davenport pictured Wednesday was Orrin's first wife,
daughter of Victor and Adele (Hodgini) Bedini who came to this country
with Barnum & Bailey after the 1898-1902 European tour.

Dick Flint


Anonymous said...

Back in the 20s and 30s, Orrin Davenport was my father's landlord in Chicago. He talks about watching them practice in a barn behind the apartment building when he was a kid. Does anyone know anything about Orrin Davenport, Jr? Dad said he had been injured, but lost track of him.