Saturday, June 21, 2008

Turn of the century 4-Paw & Sells #3

Scan10310, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Sid" leading the herd at Canton, Georgia in 1900.

William Emery Elephant Supt.
1. Sid
2. Sells Queen
3. Sells Babe
4. Sells Dutch
5. Mike (African)
6. Topsy (African)
7. 4-Paw Babe
8. 4-Paw Topsy
9. Rubber
10. Betts
11. Romeo
12. Columbia (I have one of her tusks)
13. John
14. Boston

Early 1902 in Brooklyn "4-Paw Topsy" killed a man, Fielding Mount, who was visiting the show. She was then donated to nearby Luna Park where she was executed in public by electrocution the following winter 1/4/03.
The circumstances leading up to this were incorrectly reported in a recent novel contrived by some lady.
This event was captured on film by the Edison Co.