Buckles, There are some of your bloggers that may not know all the history behind this so I would like to start the ball rolling and maybe some more historians can add more details.
This was basically the Al G. Barnes Circus out of their California winter quarters with the Sells Floto title added thinking that those that might not know the Barnes name would know of the Sells-Floto name. It was all owned by John Ringling at this point.
1938 was probably thee most devastating year to the Circus industry in the History of the American circus. As a result of the depression and labor troubles, RBBB closed in Scranton, Pa. on June 22nd and returned to Sarasota.
RBBB then packed up the best of their show on four flat cars and a stock car and a couple coaches, including Gargantua if I remember right, 4 elephants including the two Africans and other stock and sent it out to join the Barnes show with a new title starting on July 11th in Redfield, S.D.
The new title was now the Al G. Barnes and Sells-Floto Circus Presenting Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Stupendous New Features. This was for billing purposes but nothing was re-painted that I have heard of.
When the show closed at the end of the season in Sarasota, Fl. on November 27th, it was brought in to the RBBB winterquarters. What was needed for the Ringling show the next year was used, the rest was scrapped. The 17 elephants and Walter McClain were merged into the Ringling herd as well.
This then ended the American Circus Corporation's final show on the road. The rest of the Corporation's different show titles had already had much of their equipment sold or scrapped. Eventually the infamous fire in Peru, Indiana at the Corporation winter quarters destroyed most of the wagons that were left but that's a whole different story all by itself. Bob
Bob, Great information on a bad year for the circus. Maybe they did this for just the billing but I think in my poster collection somewhere I have a Al. G. Barnes and Sells-Floto and John Robinson Circus presents RB & BB Circus. It might be on the Human Fly poster with Janet May. When Ringling sent the equipment they also sent there tent minus 2 middles. I wish i could go back in time and see that circus for 1938 as it was one heck of a great performance. I also would like to have seen Robbins Bros. Circus with Clyde Beatty and Hoot Gibson in late 1938. Harry
Much has been written about that morning in Redfield, S. D. when the Barnes-Floto people looked out of their windows on the train and there was like another wole circus unloading and they were bewildered to find that the show would be increased in size immediately with the best of the GSOE. Included were the great Cristiani family. Imagine a little place like Redfield and I believe it was all incorporated immediately. No rehearsals, etc. and they went on to the next town. How about that?
For circus fan collectors there are 4 programs for 1938. There are the regular Ringling for 1938, the regular Barnes-Sells-Floto for 1938. Then after the Redfield date the Barnes-Sell-floto with the new insert with Ringling added performers. Then there is the Barnes-Sells-Floto with a printed in the program listing of the Ringling performers. I am lucky enough to have all 4. Harry
There is a 1938 RBBB program for sale at E-bay....closes in 6 days...current bid $6.77.......Jim Zajicek http://cgi.ebay.com/Ringling-Bros-Barnum-Bailey-Circus-program-1938_W0QQitemZ220225415314QQihZ012QQcategoryZ2018QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
The labor troubles did not end there, they were picketed in many union towns, including Janesville, WI. My dad said that they had an elephant with a side pole go out thru the entrance to the show and she cleared the way so the crowd could get to the show. Bob Kitto
There are some of your bloggers that may not know all the history behind this so I would like to start the ball rolling and maybe some more historians can add more details.
This was basically the Al G. Barnes Circus out of their California winter quarters with the Sells Floto title added thinking that those that might not know the Barnes name would know of the Sells-Floto name. It was all owned by John Ringling at this point.
1938 was probably thee most devastating year to the Circus industry in the History of the American circus. As a result of the depression and labor troubles, RBBB closed in Scranton, Pa. on June 22nd and returned to Sarasota.
RBBB then packed up the best of their show on four flat cars and a stock car and a couple coaches, including Gargantua if I remember right, 4 elephants including the two Africans and other stock and sent it out to join the Barnes show with a new title starting on July 11th in Redfield, S.D.
The new title was now the Al G. Barnes and Sells-Floto Circus Presenting Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Stupendous New Features. This was for billing purposes but nothing was re-painted that I have heard of.
When the show closed at the end of the season in Sarasota, Fl. on November 27th, it was brought in to the RBBB winterquarters. What was needed for the Ringling show the next year was used, the rest was scrapped. The 17 elephants and Walter McClain were merged into the Ringling herd as well.
This then ended the American Circus Corporation's final show on the road. The rest of the Corporation's different show titles had already had much of their equipment sold or scrapped. Eventually the infamous fire in Peru, Indiana at the Corporation winter quarters destroyed most of the wagons that were left but that's a whole different story all by itself.
Great information on a bad year for the circus.
Maybe they did this for just the billing but I think in my poster collection somewhere I have a Al. G. Barnes and Sells-Floto and John Robinson Circus presents RB & BB Circus.
It might be on the Human Fly poster with Janet May.
When Ringling sent the equipment they also sent there tent minus 2 middles.
I wish i could go back in time and see that circus for 1938 as it was one heck of a great performance.
I also would like to have seen Robbins Bros. Circus with Clyde Beatty and Hoot Gibson in late 1938.
Much has been written about that morning in Redfield, S. D. when the Barnes-Floto people looked out of their windows on the train and there was like another wole circus unloading and they were bewildered to find that the show would be increased in size immediately with the best of the GSOE. Included were the great Cristiani family. Imagine a little place like Redfield and I believe it was all incorporated immediately. No rehearsals, etc. and they went on to the next town. How about that?
For circus fan collectors there are 4 programs for 1938.
There are the regular Ringling for 1938, the regular Barnes-Sells-Floto for 1938.
Then after the Redfield date the Barnes-Sell-floto with the new insert with Ringling added performers.
Then there is the Barnes-Sells-Floto with a printed in the program listing of the Ringling performers.
I am lucky enough to have all 4.
There is a 1938 RBBB program for sale at E-bay....closes in 6 days...current bid $6.77.......Jim Zajicek http://cgi.ebay.com/Ringling-Bros-Barnum-Bailey-Circus-program-1938_W0QQitemZ220225415314QQihZ012QQcategoryZ2018QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
The labor troubles did not end there, they were picketed in many union towns, including Janesville, WI. My dad said that they had an elephant with a side pole go out thru the entrance to the show and she cleared the way so the crowd could get to the show.
Bob Kitto
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