Saturday, February 23, 2008

A special invitation!

Scan000010877, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Mr. Woodcock,

Could I use your blog site to issue an invitation to one our your correspondents. I would like to invite Mr. Wade Burke to our 2008 Kelly Miller Circus. I think he might change his mind about 1 ring tented circuses.

Many thanks,

John Ringling North II


Anonymous said...

Television Station KWGB SPECIAL BULLETIN...
Meteorologists Mystified

Anonymous said...

Are you sure? By now you should realize my vote can't be bought, and no matter how many popcorn's or coloring book's you give me, I won't see anything more then what I see.
You should also square it with your tiger act. He will be nervous enough opening without the added stress of myself in the audience. Boy, you hung onto this picture a long time didn't you? What did you do with the one's I autographed for you? Life is sure unfair isn't it. You finally get a circus, and I am not performing any more. I told you not to take to long, remember.
Bit of advice from a North Dakota cowboy. For the opening, get yourself a Larry Mahan 8X beaver hat. A bit pricey, but classier then that 76 truck stop straw.

P.S. If you want a counterfeit review, come up with a cute name for me to use, spell the name right on the RSVP, and I'll get my tux to the cleaner's tomorrow. I'll also need 2 popcorn's and 2 coloring book's as I will be bringing a date. Let me know. WGB I

Buckles said...

I supplied the picture.

Anonymous said...

Thank God he didn't wish WGB "Good Morning" or we'd never hear the end of this.

A day without Wade is like a day without sunshine. (or was that orange juice?)

Anonymous said...

I suspect I know where you got that antiquated picture. Thank's for running it. I appreciate it. Kidding aside, you have to admit the blonde hair and pink costume, conjured up vision's of "jungle killers", more effectively then the boot's and jodphers Mr. Beatty used to wear. That's what happen's when a townie get's creative.

P. S., Hey Annetta Bryant, Sunshine this!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wade Gardner Burck, did you ever get those historical "Family" documents I sent you?

Seems your long lost relative got shot & murdered upon his not so triumphal return (1783) to the American a gang of horse-jackers!

Certainly an interesting piece of little known circus history, regardless of whom he may be related too.

Jimmy Cole

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Good grief Wade,
I will go ahead and invite you too. I already know better then to ask you "what you thought of the act". What I am concerned with, is the bad advice on formal head gear. Mahan does make a decent hat, but it's not the 8x beaver. The creme-de-la-creme is a 10x milano they call El Principal, 4" brim, 4.5" cattleman crown,only made in platinum. Reasonably priced around 300 bucks. I am a Resistol guy myself, but in the hot summer months I have been known to sport a Bangora staw, to keep the sun off me. Tell you what, come visit the show, be nice, and hang some paper to the show girls, then we'll go out and find you just the rite hat.
Your Amigo,

Anonymous said...

Until the show got out of quarter's, I didn't want to advise on the high dollar hat. Let's see how breakdown's and diesel prices work for the first 2 week's then you can go to the millinery. Straw hat!!! You haven't even opened, and your already sucking up. Relax. You and JRN II teaming up has to rank right up there with Feld, Gebel, and the Colliseum deal. Milestones, is the word I'm looking for.
Be safe, I'll talk with you soon, my friend.
Wade Burck

Received it and thank you. I don't know where you heard "horse-jacker's". I heard it was a gang of angry anonymous's. Wait a minute, is "horse-jacker's" one of those timid cute names? You may be right Jimmy.
Your friend,
Wade Burck

P.S. John Cuneo, send those photo's of Adam to Kelly-Miller. By June JRN II should be tired of Casey's groveling, and that's when Hamid close's. Adam's not buying the "rodeo ground's are the big time" story any more. Shoot John, I don't know how he realized it quicker then I did.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Wade, I used the term "horse-jackers" to describe the thieves that murdered poor Mr. Chistopher Wade Gardner and stole his horses back in 1783. I guess today they would be called "car-jackers", so beware and lock your vehicle doors when you make your annual trek back from Evansville!

Jimmy Cole

Anonymous said...

It's not what kind of hat you what kind of cash you have in your wallet.

Can you break a hundred?
I have nothing smaller.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of the Bloggers of America, I would like to extend an invitation to the HORSE JACKERS to visit Evansville, IN, during Thanksgiving Week.

With any luck, lightning might strike twice.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Hope you bow a tendon soon,
You don't have enough pride or integrity, to sign a name, yet YOU appoint yourself Coordinator of American Bloggers!!!! What other thing's have you convinced YOURSELF you are capable of? You need to get off the island more, Pal. I'll bet you have even convinced the monkey's that live there that you are royalty.
Besides, I just heard from the Hadi Temple, and now that I am 53 years old, and can no longer be billed as "The Youngest Performer at This Year's Turkey Festival", they are not going to offer me a contract. So if you would like, gather up 3 month's worth of coconut's, get the raft in the water when the tide's right, and head for Richmond, Ill. Let me know if you need the correct address. I'll let you see the wonder, of what it is, you are trying to convince the monkey's you are. Isn't that right, Henry Edgar.
Wade Burck

P.S. Firefox mutt, better hit the reload button on your spam filter again.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I always thought it was "It's not what kind of hat you wear, it's what's under it !'

Anonymous said...

Amazing how a piece of 225 year old circus history, plus a few humerous remarks has turned into an internet pissing match!

Unknown said...

Good grief guys! I just got here whats goin on? Its Andrea, Okie`s oldest daughter. I am in Japan, took Pat Whites place. Uncle Bill ( Rivers ) just told me about the sale.Is there a cage act on Kelly Miller now? Who has it? Just now able to catch up on here a bit, been alittle busy with the whole change of countries and all ,lol. Catch me up if you please.... BTW, Hey Buckles! Been awhile ...

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

it's not sucking up, but rather "cute and charming".

True enough. However, I have found the rite hat can disguise a lot of what I don't know.

Anonymous w/ cutesy name,
You are the official winner of the gold clown for "bad karma" careful the world is a jungle out there.

Anonymous without cutesy name,
Careful, you are standing awfully close to the contest. Looks like some splashed on your leg.

Anonymous said...

Years ago [maybe 30 or so] the Stetson hat was made by the Stetson Co. and it was the best of the best. It [the company] was acquired by, I think, Bailey- Resistol, or some hat Co. and you could no longer get those great Beavor Stetsons, but they did sell a hat with the Stetson name. Stetson [the real one] did put out a variety [not too many] of various types with distinctive names such as the LBJ the OPEN ROAD and other wider brims that I can't recall their names, however show guys [like Freddy Logan], Hoxie and so many others including myself and other horse guys [not necessarily circus] liked the OPEN ROAD with a brim just a little bigger than the LBJ. If they got wet and dirty [sweat, etc.] you could plunk them in some soapy water in a bucket, rinse them, let it dry in the sun and it would come out just fine and easily go back to its regular shape, but the rule of thumb was, after a few of those washings and it diden't look "brand new", you would buy a new one and then use the old one for every day and the new one for church, and other dressed up events. They cost around twenty two bucks [pretty expensive back in those days] , but a better hat was and never has been made. I did that until coming to Ringling when I found out the real Stetsons were no more and the other hat was just a name. They came with a strind around them that could be attached to your clothing during high winds that we immediately threw away. The LBJ was popular with guys that wore suits. Every show guy liked to wear his Stetson when he got boiled and fronted up. The same with old a new LEVIS.

Anonymous said...

I believe Rex, Smokey, Louie Reed, Ben Davenport, Bill Woodcock, Jorgen Cristiansen, Red Finn, Pappy Miller, Blackie Diller among others were "open roaders". My Dad, Terrel, Beatty, the grifters, bosses and owners were the "BARCELONA" type, but thats another story.

Anonymous said...

I note many photos of your {JRN2] uncle JRN in a Homburg, but would suggesst your father was a Barcelona man. I am surprised of you in a "cowboy hat".

Anonymous said...

I would not be surprised that Dorey Miller was buried with his Carson-Barnes hat on. For him it was proper for any occasion.

Anonymous said...

I favored Charly 1 Horse, when I was with the GSOE. Once I left, I couldn't afford them any more, and stopped wearing a hat. I can recall two men who looked great in old beat up straw's. Their name's were Rex and Gunther. I think it has something to do with that "proud to be an American" deal Lee Greenwood mentioned.
Wade Burck