Hi, Trust I've got your email address right. Many thanks for your great circus history blog - however, as I only do internet searches twice a week I have trouble keeping up with your additions to it! I use my local library and several of your archive months are now too large to load on their system! (the 300+ ones) - still, keep adding 'em and I'll keep looking. |
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
From Frederick Neill
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2/26/2008 06:32:00 AM
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Olympia Gleanings is the title of the show’s 80-page route book for the 1889-90 season in London. Original copies are available at the Circus World Museum, the Hertzberg collection now at the Witte Museum in San Antonio, and Princeton University. Barnum & Bailey En Route is a detailed and illustrated 40-page publication printed for the use of the railway companies that moved the circus train and I have a copy. I can scan portions if you send Buckles your email for forwarding. Very likely, Princeton University as well as the Circus World Museum and Ringling Museum have all three sources you seek. Princeton is also the home for the remarkable scrapbooks, photographs, and other material saved by James A. Bailey and presented to the University by his nephews, the McCaddons. Called the McCaddon Collection of the Barnum & Bailey Circus, it is rich with material on the European tour. An internet search will quickly bring you to the online inventory and some appears in the fifth volume of Toole-Stott’s circus bibliography. I assume you are familiar with the route book for the 1898-1902 tour and the recent book on the UK portion. Also, Barnum prepared several nearly identical scrapbooks about his 1889-90 visit for his family and a couple of these are in Bridgeport institutions but it was highlighted in a story The Old Showman’s Last Triumph appearing in the December 1961 American Heritage.
Dick Flint
There are other valuable resources beyond those listed and mentioned. If Mr. Neill would kindly post his breadth of interest and purpose,a nd his e-mail address, other items might follow.
I am at Fred_Neill@Yahoo.com. See my March 5 comments.
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