Monday, February 11, 2008

Assorted Ringling pictures #10

Scan000010837, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Antoinette Concello


Anonymous said...

Tough as Art? Tougher?

Buckles said...

I doubt that anyone was tougher than Art.
Furthermore he would have spotted that candy pitch in the back end blues and insisted on a cut.

Anonymous said...

She was a great lady. I served with her when she was Aerial Director on RBBB. All showgirls loved her. She loved to wear her mink coat and was a chain smoker. No attitude about her and we always referred to her as Anntoinette and showgirls, clowns would address her as MRS. Concello. I never heard much of the word "Tony" during my days around her. She loved to go up on the trapeze with Gaonas or Waynes during practice. Her expressions concerning various situations were hilarious and she was showbiz all the way. I am indeed proud and humble that I was fortunate to know and work with her. She always treated me with respect. What a gal.