Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More on Flavio #3

Scan000010463, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Becky Loter didn't waste any time, those Hugo gals are great.

The checks from the Ringling Show stopped after the agreed 90 days but the horse was used for an additional month, then returned from Madison Sq. Garden.
The next year while I was doing the elephant ride for the show in D.C. I brought this shortfall to everyone's attention but all parties involved denied responsibility.
We are still waiting for the matter to be resolved.


Anonymous said...

As a former candy butcher, you surely received "first count". Uncle Sid's math was 10 percent of $300, was two dollars and sixty-seven cents!
Erik Jaeger

Buckles said...

I remember one of Sid's sponsors suggesting they should share in the concession revenue.
He agreed saying, "Have your wives bake a few pies, bring a card table and we'll make a spot for you".
That ended that.