Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hamiter #1

Scan000010487, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Since we have been discussing horse training lately, I'll toss in these pictures of Jimmy Hamiter and his Fair and School House Revue.
He along with D.R. and my dad went back to the 30's as good friends.
A lot of fun listening to them cut up jackpots when they were together again on Kelly-Miller.
Jimmy was one of three men I know of that when drafted into the Army in WW2, were given 30 days to sell his elephant (Vera). The other two were Jack Joyce (Lucy) and Russell Hall (Tena).


Anonymous said...

In the years after Jimmy was off the road, if we were billing anywhere around Dallas, he and his mother would drive out in the evening to see us. Mrs Hamiter would visit with Elsie Kitzman while Jimmy cut up a few with the boys.

One night after they had left Elsie shared with us one of Mrs Hamiter's stories to the effect that during her husband's late life they had not slept together. She said, "I know that the Bible says you're supposed to sleep together but he got to where he had to get up and pee so much that he finally just started sleeping in the barn."

I was pretty young in those days but now I understand the old man's plight. Can you spell p-r-o-s-t-a-t-e?