Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Nuggett Casino #3

Nugget2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"We visited Slivers many times at the Nuggett. We would pull our trailer and the Polack Show bull truck around back and spend the evening.
I was surprised when I heard everyone there call him "C.J."



Jon Pult said...

Excuse my ignorance, but I've always wondered about the dark circles around the eyes of elephants as in this picture, and so many others, while know why often have dark circles (Hello, Mr Gilbey!) I'm sure it's for a different reason. Do they play the outfield?

Honestly, why is it done, and what substance is used?

I thank you in advance.

Jon P.

Now, off to the Cole Brothers show here in New Orleans.

Buckles said...

Elephants eyes tend to water a bit, particularly when being exposed to wind, resulting in the area beneath each eye to become crusty.
I've never applied anything other than Vasoline and why the entire area around the eye would be included is something I have wondered about myself.
You will notice in the picture above Mr. Smaha has also had "Bertha" place each foot in a pan of oil which will softened the nails prior to her manicure.

Anonymous said...

I have wondered how Mr. Madison got the nickname "Slivers". I have read about a vaudville performer that went by the name Slivers and got it because of the unfinished stages he played on.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that the young lady in the photo is Diane Olson.