Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Colombo, Sri Lanka Zoo #1 (From Filipe von Gilsa)

Scan000010395, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"The man at left appears to be picking up a set of castanets, my first job when working props for my dad's act. Also included was "Anna May's" tambourine and a Spanish mantea that I snapped on her headpiece."

"I might add that when my dad worked "Diamond" on the Atterbury Show, one of the highlights was to strap a set of sleigh bells on his ankles and he would do somewhat of a dance on the tub."


Anonymous said...

Buckles, do you have any video clips of Anna May? Would love to see them, if you have any.

Buckles said...

At one time Shannon had a number of film clips on file on the left column of this page. Included was a clip of "Anna May's" act taken from the 1978 RBBB TV Special.
I'll ask him what became of it.