Wednesday, September 26, 2007


MAIL0360, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This picture is not part of the 1937 set but shows one of the three elephants "Ena", "Mona" and "Mabel", all purchased at Hall's Farm in 1932 and two of which are mentioned in this 1954 letter from my dad to Tom Parkinson.

"Take old Ena off the list, she isn't with us any more. Died with the Don Brashier Carnival, American Midway I believe it is called. I have expected her to die for the past 15 years.
Logan was in Macon and says there were 3 boss elephant men there.
P.J. Jones, drunk as a hoot owl, for King, Fanning for Lucio and "Hungry" Dennis for Pete and Norma.
Am drilling Jack Moore every day to work the big bull Mabel."


Anonymous said...

Who originated the head carry?