Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ringling Pole Wagon 1951 #1 (From Dom Yodice)

The pole wagon in question was new to the show in 1951. It had the triple axle in the rear and carried all the center poles and all the quarter poles.
You are correct in that it was so heavy that it kept blowing the rear tires when it was coming down the runs.
Later in the season, they removed the top quarter pole section and brought back quarter pole wagon #44. I am pretty sure the triple axle remained for the entire season.
For the 1952 season the wagon was rebuilt. The rear axle was removed and they added the section on the front left side for the working man's crumb boxes.
The two photos will show the original very heavy wagon and then later in the season with the top section removed but the trip;e axle remaining.
Hope this helps clarify.
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