Monday, February 26, 2007

From Kari Johnson

Assemblyman Lloyd Levine has introduced his new elephant bill AB 777 (attached). When you read the actual assembly bill keep in mind that only the things in italics are being proposed. Deprivation of food, water or rest, use of electricity, physical punishment resulting in breakage of the skin of an elephant, etc. is already law.
Assembly Bill 777 would criminalize the use and even the possession of any instrument that even resembles the guide/elephant hook that we use to work with the elephants as well as the use of chains except for medical procedures. It also imposes certain requirements on any stationary facility (that's us) related to exercise (5 miles per day, measured with a GPS unit), enrichment, pools (we'd need to build one) and substrates, (the dirt we have in our pens is not acceptable unless we rototill it every day or at least once a week.) However it also says that no facility is required to comply with the exhibit requirements unless and until the facility expends capital funds to renovate or expand its exhibit. I think that means that if we never make any improvements to our ranch then we don't have to comply. What sense does that make???

The bill has not been assigned to any committees yet. Given that it amends the penal code we can expect that it will be assigned to the Public Safety Committee again. However there is always the possibility that it will be referred to a second committee as well. You should note that most of the committees have new chairmen and members since we wrote letters about last year's version of this bill, AB 3027.

It is my understanding that no hearing can be scheduled for at least 30 days from introduction (February 22) and the earliest date for hearing would be the week of March 26. If a hearing is not held that week it would not happen until after they return from spring recess (April 9). The last possible day for a hearing would be April 27.

WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW: Write to your own Assemblyperson to tell them that you oppose Lloyd Levine's Assembly Bill 777. Let him or her know that this is just another ploy by the animal rights activists to take elephants away from people who care about them and are qualified to keep them. You don't need to go point by point through the bill, a short letter letting them know that you want them to oppose AB 777 with you is enough for now. When the bill is assigned to the committees we will need to write to the committee members. You can go to to find out who your Assemblyperson is and how to contact them and to keep up on changes to Assembly Bill 777. I'll attach a sample letter to send out now. The more you can personalize it, the better. Keep them short and respectful. Every letter counts! Thank you for your help. ~Kari
Kari Johnson
Have Trunk Will Travel, Inc.
(951) 943-9227