This picture had "Chipperfield" written on it. Maybe Richard could help us out.
In the 1940's my father took Dolly Jacobs three elephants "Modoc","Empress" and "Judy", to Hawaii for the E.K. Fernandez engagement. He told me that they measured each elephant for a crate but he never thought to have a door placed on each end. Once on dry land two of them backed out OK but the third, having been hoisted upward a great distance, would not under any circumstances make that one step backwards even tho it was less than a foot. Someone suggested lifting one end of the crate with a crane and let her slide out but she somehow managed to hang on like a cat. The final outcome was, they had to drag her out and in so doing injured one of her hind legs from which took her several weeks to recover. So when it came my turn, twenty five years later, to send the three Kellner punks to that same date, they were flown over. I remembered to place a door in each end of the crate so they could unload head first but the crates I had made were much too large. I had to stay behind to take care of "Anna May" and "Ellie". Barbara, Ben and Shannon (five months old) flew passenger and my helper Mike Gorman had to make "the flight of death" with the elephants. A story for another day.
Good post, Jim. The photo was taken in 1968 upon their return from South Africa. It is now sold as a postcard in London. Incidentally they were the first elephants I ever worked as well or should I say in those days they worked me!
I flew with my Baraboo elephants from Miami to San Juan on an old DC4 cattle hauling plane. We walked them up a cattle loading ramp and chained them up right behind the pilot.They were pretty confused and trumpeting,etc. The co-pilot showed me a high power rifle and said he would use it if they got uncontrllable. It was also disconserting that I had fourteen ponies, eight dogs and Kirby's Chimps screaming and shaking their cages during the whole ordeal. Andrew Kirby rode the plane with us. At San Juan, no loading ramp. The drove up one of those straight job trucks with a lift body on it that was strong enough for the weight of each elephant and had to get big forklifts on each side. I rode them down one at a time and Frankie stayed down to hold them as I went back each time. Was no mean feaT GETTING THEM TO STEP out of the plane onto the shaky truck body with about two foot high mesh sides. This was Frankies first trip out of Wisconsin and first time to fly. When you see him in Baraboo ask him about it. During the 25 day engagement Producer Jimmy Harrington advised me that that airline had went broke and he was having a hard time getting any airline to bring us back. But thats another story and equally as troubling.
A few years later I flew Hoxies elephants, Janet, Kelly and Irene to Caracas from Miami, again for Mr. Harrington. This time in Plywood fiberglassed crates that the elephants almost destroyed before we got airborne. Johnny Walker helped me load them and we had them cross chained, side chained, front and bck chained ,you name it. Walker didn't make the trip. I had Leo and Laughing John for hands, and when we landed in Caracas the loaded elephants, crates and all, plus my liberty and high school horse in crates, i7 miles up a mountain to the "Poliadro" building. It was a 39 day engagement and every night I lay thinking of That 17 mile decent down that mountain. Prior to going there I was telling Buckles and Barbara about the proposed trip and Barbara advised me that we would be flying over the Bermuda Triangle. The whole trip back was equally troubling but we got paid very well. Incidentally the elephants ran the first show and cost me five hundred bucks for the plate glas door they went threw. But thats another long winded story. Oh for the good old days.
I am wondering if Dolly Jacobs may have been in Culver City, Ca in 1949 working the Yankee Patterson Circus for Jim Wood?
OR- Did Dolly work a pair of Elephants named Babe & Willey around 1949?
Has any one posted a photo of Dolly?
I also have many Circus Elephant act photos how can I submit for ID help?
Tom Holbrook
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