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Monday, January 08, 2007
Harry Locker
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1/08/2007 03:34:00 PM
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Mr. Woodcock - this reply is not focused to this thread and you may want to make a seperate post - |
Posted by
1/08/2007 03:34:00 PM
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Harry was a friend of mine; I am very saddended by this news. My condolences to Kat Monger, who has been by Harry's side for many years.
Harry Locker was one of the best elephant guys I know. Kind hearted, dedicated, always good for a chuckle and gave me the best advice out there. I will miss him dearly and feel a great loss in the elephant community.
Jami Fletcher
its hard for me to belive harry is gone just yesterday he call me and we were cutting jackpotsand today i was suppose to call him he had left a mesasage for me to call him . ps . hey man ill miss you buddy ill catch up with you down the road later Harry clean raul
I never met or new about Harry, but I will pray for his soul tonight. Perhaps that will purge my constipated prayers of late. So Jami could you share the best advice out there? All I ever got was the hay is dropped by the trunk, and you shovel up the apples by the tail.
Harry was an elephant man in the finest sense of the word. Unswavering in his devotion to elephants under his care, his love for them was beyond measure. He defined the highest calling of "nobles oblige" for elephants. Accompanying the privledge of working with elephants is the concommitment responsibility of providing the highest levels of husbandry and care. In this endevour Harry was unequalled.
In the future when elephant folk get together we will speak fondly of his name and remember him as we do those who have passed before. And for my part I shall always be thankful for the care and consideration which he extended to my elephants and myself. Harry you will be missed not only by the human half but more importantly by your remaining charges in Williston for whom you toiled so long so hard and so well.
Harry Locker was my father and I just want to say thank you for all of the wonderful and true things everyone has said about him. My dad was a great man for all that he has done in the circus world for 30 plus years. He made such a difference in many animals and peoples lives. He made great friendships that have stuck by him for all of these years that I know he cherished. He truly was the "Elephant Man".Those animals were his life, especially the elephants at Williston Retirement Facility. This is so sudden that it is hard for the family to even comprehend right now. But once again thatnk you for having my daddy in your thoughts and prayers!! Haley Locker
to Haley all i can say is you said it all for many of us and as for me all i can state is be proud of your dad he was a true friend of mine . Clean Raul
His devotion to the elephants at the Williston Retirement Facility was his priority in life.
My prayers go out to Cat and his family.
I miss him, he was a wonderful friend, and could always make me laugh.
Jody Campbell
With great sadness, I hear of Harry’s passing. Much too young I think. Harry and I were very close at the beginning of his circus career. (See blog attached to Daryl Hoffman #1 regarding what
I know of his career.)
Harry Locker was a sweetheart. He was a kind, thoughtful person. I don’t think there was a critter (or most people) he ever approached, that he didn’t make a friend. He has often been in my thoughts, despite the time that past. My heart goes out to Haley and family, Kat, his family and friends.
Kadee Nielson
To Haley and family, Harry’s family or Kat.
Please contact me at
I would be grateful.
Thanks, Kadee.
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