Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wade Burck 2006

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GaryHill said...

Is this the same act as the one above? Sure looks like the same cage?

Anonymous said...

Gary, These are all Hawthorn Corporation acts. All of these fine performers have worked these acts for JC over the years. All the beautiful female presenters did the same thing. You want to audition? Dig your tights out of mothballs.

Anonymous said...

This photo of Wade Burck and the Hawthorn White Tigers was taken at Hadi Shrine Circus, Evansville, IN, Nov., 2006

Anonymous said...

Being that there are fewer and fewer big cage acts in this country, its nice to see an act of this size being put out. Everything I have seen Mr Burck work has always been enjoyable to watch, I look forward to catching this act in the near future. Is Mr Burck going to be presenting this act for now? Or training someone to work it?

24-HOUR-MAN said...

gary, definately not the same act, I believe the Voss act was dibande when he retired, Wade would know more about that. Could be the same arena, having been away from there for 6 years I'm not familiar with the Hawthorn equipment. I do know Trudy used a similar arena on fairs before going to Europe.

GaryHill said...

The cage and the props look the same and the number of cats is the same so that's why I was wondering? Top of the cages have the stars.

Anonymous said...

Whwen it comes to Cuneo, it is hard to say the acts are the same simply by props and cages. I have never seen a Cuneo act that didn't have the seats with the sort of diamond patterns on them. Wade burck, Adam Burck, ther Nergen's, Brunon Blaszak, Pat White, even Trudy Strong if I am not mistaken. Jacquline Zerbini as well. They have all used these seats at one point.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Wades one hell of a animal trainer and an all around great guy i kind of look up to him.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Regarding the props; for one thing, if John like a particular design he stuck with it come hell or high water.

The pyramid in Henk's & John's act is the same one, it was also in that act when Jacquline, & later Trudy worked it. Everyone talks about Cuneo's pyramid, he did not originate that prop, Josep Marcan did. In fact it was in his act when we worked together in Mexico in 1980.

And as far as how many prop men it took to handle it, get this. Trudy, me, and our cage boy loaded those things on overhead racks in the truck by hand. Prop men don't like any cat prop that doesn't roll!!!

Anonymous said...

Wade Burck (aka S.F.I.), I beleive the tigers seen for the past two years in Evansville do not exceed the ages of three years old. During they're first performance in 05' I was quite impressed with the routine changes with the same furniture. I don't beleive you will find any of the very well presented Hawthorne tiger acts that would equal this one that I have seen. Wade has had the oppertunity to use tigers that he personlly got to start from day one. The cat folk that I have had the fortune to meet and know (aka the cat pack) in the order that I met them, Bauman, Marcon, Gunther, Burck, Michon. When it comes to tigers to me they all carried the golden key. This is not to say that I have not met alot of other neat cat folk when it came to mixing lions, tigers, pumas, leopards, bears. I have never failed to learn something from them all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wade - Glad to see you out there again - Don't know if you remember me - another Pgh girl that your brother Mike knew a bit too well at the Blue Show! LOL -Saw you in Venice a few years back - hope you are well - Cyndi Carmack (Blue unit 1986-90 & Cuneo elephants (w/Gary Thomas) 1990-1991 - Royal Hanneford show - 1991-1992