Tuesday, December 05, 2006

From Circus Whitey


Here's a picture of Little Bobby Cline that's on eBay.

Of course the people selling it don't know who it is but I thought it was interesting to run across.

(This was taken when Rex Williams was in charge of the elephants. Barbara says that the headpieces were patterned after the ones the Adele Nelson elephants wore when they came to the Dailey Show. She points out that there were plenty of places for the Elephant Empresses to hang on to.) BucklesPosted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I would call head pieces "DEAR LIFE" as I hung on to them for dear life. You have not lived until you have worked mounting elephants on a circus. Thrills beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Little Bobby Cline, to me, was indelibly representative of our many special men who made their way, somehow, to the circus, and found themselves at home, when homes of another kind were denied them. Bobby was mentally challenged, but his heart was not. He loved his elephants, and by all accounts they loved and protected him. So did his Bosses and the men on elephant crews, and well they should have. He gave no other loyalty, and sought no other love. The Circus welcomed him without questioning his challenge, and he returned his full measure of devotion to the end of his days, in his personal, special way, without reservation. God bless our Bobby Clines, our Manley Gilberts and John Carrolls, and many like them who lived to care for their animals, and to get the show over the road.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where and how was the passing of little bobby? cleanraul

Anonymous said...

To cleanraul: I have this somewhere. I'm looking for it. Someone might beat me to it. Don't touch that dial.