Thursday, June 15, 2006

More wardrobe pictures #3

Barbara and Prince however the wardrobe is mismatched, she is wearing her Menage costume and he is the Opening wardrobe so they must be waiting for Finale.


Anonymous said...

From Eric:

My memory of Prince Paul is that, during spec, he would always be hanging off the head piece of the first pay off elephant, ringing a hand bell. He did this for years and years. Is there a story behind that?

Buckles said...

This is new to me.
How could I have missed a thing like that?

Anonymous said...

first pay off elephant

A new term for me. Pay Off Elephant?

Buckles said...

The pay-off elephants are the last thing on the tail end of spec.
When the show was under canvas and had a wide track, these elephants would pull the pay-off float such as the Christmas float in the Demille movie.

Anonymous said...

In '76 & '77, Spec was "Michu's Wedding," with lots of bells ringing. Prince Paul had a bell, I recall. If he had hung off an elephant earlier in his career, he was a little old for such acrobatics by then.

This picture is '78. Worried about missing his numbers, the Prince usually got ready a long time before they started. He was usually ready for Come-in half an hour early, and he often got ready for Finale by the time Menage began, so this picture could have been taken just after Menage ended.

Dave Carlyon