Thursday, June 15, 2006

More wardrobe pictures #2

This wardrobe was worn by the riders of the seven pay-off elephants in Spec. Each costume matched the elephant's blanket.


Anonymous said...

What year was this? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

more spangles and feathers in this one shot than entire current Ringling production
and I don't mean just THE production number
I mean the whole show !

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to put out an APB on Clifford Vargas. I'm sure it was a pure coincidence but It just seemed like the other two big tented circuses sure seem to upgrade their appearances when the mighty Mr V came on the scene. I was unaware anyone knew how to make sequined garments other than Brooks Van Horn. Mr. V, What a character. I'll bet you he had no idea what a baseball stich was nor how to splice a rope? Never the less, for all you who know what this means, at the time the mighty Ringling Bros actually hung full page wait paper on the Vargas show. At the present, ball park shows beware.

Anonymous said...

when were any of the circus arts ever "practcal" ?
dancing elephants,triple somersaults,juggling ping pong balls with your mouth,etc.,etc.,etc, !