Saturday, June 17, 2006

From Bill Strong

If you click on this picture it should enlarge and hopefully become readable. It's Billy Rose knocking Robert Ringling's 1946 Show. It comes as a surprise since Mr. Rose should have been aware better than most that World War II had just concluded during which time no talent from Europe was forthcoming and many of the American performers serving in the Army were just beginning to return. Not to mention that the U.S. Government had reduced the size of the show so as not to interfere with Military train transportation.


Anonymous said...

Newspapers in general remind me of one of the tributes you published earlier this year for an old showman who had always asked his advance man "Did they spell the name right?" on the advertising.

RBBB is buying swell radio ads, beautiful bus-side posters, and big newspaper ads here, with no showtimes listed. Empty white space (within their ad) is a style no other circus should start imitating.

Worse, our arena's ticket office says shows start half-hour later than RBBB's web ad says, and matinees on Saturday and Sunday are as near to secret as you can keep them from 30,000 interested parents. $#@%$&*+!

Any size show can suffer from subversives in the ticket offices, but it's not human nature for every customer to do a lot of extra research for that basic When&Where information.

An arena show makes it less likely late fans will get stomped by the opening parade, but as long as performers have to show up on time ...

Gimme those old cram-packed ads that make me feel I already got some razzledazzle entertainment just reading them.

Nippledad said...

What city/arena are you talking about? Just curious.
Is it the "NEW" show?