Sunday, April 30, 2006
From Charlie Gray / "Lily" and "Logan"
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4/30/2006 12:54:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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4/30/2006 12:54:00 AM
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I'm surprised everything is so nice and green up there already.
Here in Florida everything is so burned up and dry you have to attatch a postage stamp with a paper clip.
It's so dry the cows are giving evaporated milk, and the trees are whistling for the dogs.
It's so dry the cows are giving evaporated milk, and the trees are whistling for the dogs.
I, enlarged this picture and printed it, also framed it, and will give it Freddie tomorrow, when I visit him at the rehab house.
Mr Gray is incredibly gernerous and forthcoming -- and he should be damned proud. Someplace else, say in Florida might have had a calf a couple weeks ago for example and without a press release we wouldn't know about it.
Wait until you see the film clip that came along with it. I'll ask Shannon to put it on the Blog this afternoon.
As you may know, next week is the Circus Historical Society Convention in Sarasota and they asked if the members could visit the Stud Farm Facility and were refused on no uncertain terms.
When I told Ted Svertesky I was taking a job up here, he said"You'll like it up there, they have 10 months of good skiing and 2 months of bad skiing."
Iam a keeper in Florida who would like to relocated to canada how hard is it to get on up there? I have limited elephant experiance but will do anything to gain some more
Certainly, for good will, the CHS could visit Kenny's stud farm and be secure from harm. After all, entire world-class animal collections are open to the public. But look back to when these Felds came in. Great stars, past and present, visiting as showfolks do around the world, were unceremoniously thrown out of the RB backyard to no end of insult and anger. Kenny and his minions thrive on arrogance. A spotlight example is what they've done to their title. Their reviews show that their comeuppance is at hand. Me, I'm on standby, watching for the other shoe to drop.
Great picture Charlie! I'm looking forward to the video as well. Wish you nothing but the best. Isn't it amazing that the most sucessful elephant breeding programs are with working elephants! Makes you wonder doesn't it.
That is not true. The Safari in Ramat Gan, Israel, had more then 30 elephant births of both species in the last 30 years with 2 alone this year. Lilly was born there too. And they keep their elephants in no contact since ever, no training, no chaining.
There are numerous other zoos in Europe that are very sucessful with elephant breeding in the last 10 years in protected or no contact system. Safaripark Cabarceno in Spain (10 african elephant calves), Zoo Emmen in the Netherlands (13 living asians since 1992), Howletts in England, and many more.
We are talkng about the Americas, not over seas.
All these facilities are to be commended, but it does show that trained animals are just as content and can reproduce in captivity as well as no contact animals. Animals with human contact in captivity usually are happier and more well rounded to their environment than animals just left in large habitats. After 30 years of studying animal behavior, I can prove this to be true.
Boy those little elephants look so cute before they get all scarred up with the bull hook don't they?
I'm sure this anonymous message comes from a well intentioned woman who is firmly convinced that there is a mystic place where elephants can roam freely with a waterfall and a unicorn in the background.
Whereas in their natural habitat they are being rapidly eradicated by population encroachment and commomly suffer from malnutrition, parasites and injury.
Until I see photos of the indoor living facilities provided by the very secretive sanctuaries that PETA espouses I remainin doubt.
After all, Tennessee is not that far from both Chicago and Detroit where where "elephant experts" claim the harsh weather damages their feet.
is person is trying very hard to get attention on the blog for her agenda. I think I know who she is. Follows me around no matter which site I go to. I have yet to see her with in 50 feet of any elephant. I get such a kick reading the web sight from TENN. The DEVIAS [?] are playful. funny. content in their new home. Has anyone seen any person anywhere near these elephants. Where is that meals on wheels truck? I expect to see a Unicorn in the field any moment. Only a virgin can see a Unicorn. What really gets me is most people who read that crap and look at the pictures believe that s)&$. I reag Artical #4 of a piece on their site "We did not refuse the Hawthorn Elephants" carol buckles has a list of the cost she expected JC to pay when they took these elephants. Down to the last penny. She did not get a dime. Who did she think she was trying to play for a sucker? We all know JC and if anyone is going to take it with him when he dies, he will. Good for him. Just because you have it, you don't have to give it away. I was looking up this artical yester and it did not compute. Good thing I print everything out when it first appears on the computer.
Gee, I have never seen an elephant all scarred up from bullhooks? Where is one so we can all be enlightened and join Pam Anderson in her quest to trash Old Col Sanders, aka the Chicken Butcher!
Hey Buckles,
With Cuneos fortune why did he not put up a better fight? It's terrible he would let his elephants go to that hypocrite in TN (The lady that once put her elephants in roller skates)
In the final analysis I doubt that John ever realized a profit from his animal acts or even cared to.
As a young boy he started out having animals and eventually enjoyed owning circus acts and the company of circus people.
Times change and I'm sure at this point in his life and with his resourses, he has better things to do than fight the Federal Government.
Don't let anyone fool you. JC knew exactly what he was and is doing. The man is a genious [?] He got what he was after and the elephants will be watched like hawkes so they are safe. At least until someone gets close to them.
Its just said that all these SCUMTUARIES are taking everyones animals !
Hello everyone! I went to Venice today to see Freddie at the hospital. Only stayed for1/2 hour, as, freddie is not good. He is on a resperatore, therfore he can not talk. He sleeps almost all the time. He did wake-up long enough for me to show him the pictures of little "LOGAN", and by nodding his head, he acknowledged that he could see the pictures. So, I am THANKING Charley Gray, on Freddie's behalf, for naming the elelphant. THAT WAS VERY THOUGHTFUL!
Freddie has pnemonia again, amongst other problems. So, please remember him in your prayers.
I will keep you all posted on his condition. Tomorrow the C.H.S. convention starts in Sarasota, and I plan on attending for the next Three days or so.
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