I'm sure everyone has seen "Around the World in 80 Days" made in 1956. (the good version) This is the elephant that was used, she was owned by Gene Holter and handled by Wally Ross, at left but as soon as she stepped on the back lot she was under the supervision of the man at right George Emerson. She had the longest career of any elephant in my records.
BABE 1900 Imported from Hagenbeck Zoo 1900-14 Various Gentry owned Shows 1915-16 Gentry Bros, Circus 1917-23 Gentry Bros. Circus (Newman and Austin owners) 1924 Christy Bros. Circus 1927-27 Lee Bros. Circus (Christy's #2 Unit) 1928-30 Christy Bros. Circus 1931-32 Christy Qtrs. in Pasadena, Tx. 1933 Sam B. Dill Circus 1934 Sam B. Dill & Tom Mix Circus 1935-38 Tom Mix Circus 1939-41 Bud E. Anderson Circus 1942 Atterbury Bros. Circus (Leased from Anderson) 1943-45 Arthur Bros. Circus 1946-49 Seal Bros. Circus (Bud E. Anderson) 1950-53 Wallace & Clark Circus (Norman Andeson) 1954 Pan American Circus (Leased from Anderson) 1955-67 Gene Holter Animal Shows
Probably 70 at the time of her death 5/18/67
Are the three men needed to handle Babe, or just there for the photo shot? Was the painting for a special reason? It is beautiful. Was a female used during her act? I can see where the painting would detract from wardrobe. She was a beautiful elephant.
Rebecca, surely you have seen the movie "Around the World in 80 Days" this is the elephant used in the film. She transported the Indian Princess (Shirley MacLain) across India.
This is a picture taken on the back lot. The man on top is identified as Kenny Lee, maybe one of Gene Holter's wranglers.
No Buckles I never saw the movie. I watch tragic love storys. The last one I saw was Graystoke, The legand of Tarzen. I have seen movies made and know it takes 20 people and 50 takes to get it right. Thats for one minute of movie. Boring!! The Far Pillivains[?] about a love in India was the most elephants I saw in one movie. The animals get it right the first time. I have ADD and cannot set still long enough to watch a movie. I get the tapes and play then for as long as I can then put it on stop to return to later.
What do you know about an elephant called "Okha" owned by Brian Franzen?
Not much. She started out with the Franzens around 1974 and from what I've seen she is a pretty nice elephant.
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