Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wallace Bros. Circus 1937/"Buckles"

Apropos to the statement made by Rebecca beneath yesterday's pictue of my mother, I'm sure everyone in the world is aware that I got the nick name "Buckles" from wearing a harness so I wouldn't wander off the lot.
To the casual observer I am reading the NY Times when in actuality I am devising a means of escape. My favorite ruse was to ask a town kid to untie me and I would show him which trailer the Lone Ranger lived in.


Anonymous said...

This is the most important & pressious photo of all!

To have this photo as documentation of you that was the cause of your accuiring a " nickname " as such that would Proudly Represent You your life long is a wonderfull accomplishment & story. I also; have lived my life time addressed by a Nickname & do enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

OK Bud, Whats your nic name? Mine is either Dutchess or Bitch. Depends on who you are talking to. Circus or animal rights personel. One such person calls me VILE, which I have no idea what that means. As you can probable tell I have misplaced my dictonary.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this ADORABLE picture of yourself! What a ham! I can see in your eyes...the plans at work to escape. This picture tells the true story of your name! Cool!