Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blog V3 has arrived

Shannon here.....

Couldn't help myself. So I finally updated the site. There are now columns on both sides. The map thing on the left is pretty cool. It will take about 24hours before it starts but it will show on a map where the visitors of this site are from. I'm looking forward to some feedback.

I just got tired of the plain white background.

This has been tested on Internet Explorer(85%) and Firefox(5%) of the viewers. Those who use Macs and/or Netscape and Safari let me know how it looks. The center section where the posts are should shrink and expand to the size of the users screen. So it should look ok across the board.


Anonymous said...

I see no difference.Same layout as usual.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I see no difference.Same layout as usual."

That was yesterday.Today the new format is looking and working great!

Anonymous said...

It took me a day to get buckled in properly - but like Captain Kirk used to warn his crew - " HOLD ON TO YOUR BLOG STRING FOLKS - WERE ABOUT TO ENTER WARP V3 " - we are now : all a part of the future ! & the past ! in the " ne plus ultra " of style & class.

Now that's exciting !

Exelent design & enginering Shannon & the Shaz -