Friday, December 02, 2005

Ringling-Barnum Circus 1943/ Prince Paul


Anonymous said...

It must have been in 1980 when I worked with Prince Paul at C.W. I recall the date because I remember the car that my wife Terri (then girl friend) rescued him with. The little guy was living in a trailer with a stagehand Latino friend of our teeterboard act. While at a wild party, he asked my wife to take him home because he was worried about ridding home with his (roommate.) Naturally, I stayed at the drunk fest, and on my way home I saw our Latino friend’s car scattered all over the side of the road across from Circus World. God loves a drunk so our Latino friend can out unharmed, but had Terri not given Prince Paul a ride home then that night may have been his finale curtain.

Anonymous said...

The Little white face clown that Terri gave a ride home that night I think was Prince Paul, but it’s been bugging me all day. This fellow in 1980 was as wide as he was tall, and he’d been in the Circus for years. His costumes looked to be old production number costumes, and he struggled with the English language. His stay at Circus World was short; I think he took the first mud show out of town.