Wednesday, December 21, 2005

John Robinson Circus early 1920's #4

Part of the big show band lined up for spec. Looks like they had an Egyptian theme this year, after completing spec and remounting the bandstand they would shed these awful looking things and resume playing the show.
Whoever laid out the lot didn't account for the telephone pole in the middle of the back door.

When the Rudolph Valentino craze swept the nation it not only supplied us with "Hindustan", "Sheik of Araby" and a lot of hot dance steps, it gave an excuse for circuses to use these bath robe type things for animal people. The best feature was that one size fits everybody. I wore one 35 years later when I helped Harry Haag Jr. lead Jack Joyce's camels.


Anonymous said...

They do not look like they are thrilled with the costumes either. Were the bands in a union back then? I can't see them wearing these robes by choice. Or even making Spec.