This looks to be Scott standing beneath Jumbo's chin, with him until the end. The next season 1886, the show imported an adult African elephant named "Alice" advertised as Jumbo's widow and Scott is listed in the Route Book as her attendant. In a later Route Book he was "Keeper of the dogs" but remained with the show at least until Barnum's death in 1891, especially since in storage there existed a large chest bequeathed to Scott with instructions that it not be opened until after Barnum's funeral. Scott could only assume it was filled with precious jewels. P. T. Barnum like most wealthy men, liked to boast about his achievements and had a book printed discribing his genius that was sold on the show and updated over the years. As a young man the title would be something like "The Art of Money Getting" but as he grew older and more genteel, it became "Struggles and Triumphs". You could imagine Scott's shock when he opened the chest and discovered it was filled with back issues of Barnum's book.
Was Matthew Scotts biography and Jumbo's ever re-printed?
I heard it was more like a pamphlett.
As far as I know there was only one photograph taken of Jumbo when he was alive here in America.
Was that phot in thAT book?
I've never seen this pamphlet.
I have imagined that Scott was retained around the show as more of a curio than anything. At one point in time the Barnum Show had a special tent exhibiting Jumbo's sleleton and who better to be included than his trainer.
I always wondered why Matthew Scott
chose to remain in Bridgeport CT and not stay in London when the Barnum&Bailey circus toured England
with Jumbo's hide and skeleton.
He outlived P.T Barnum by about
25 years.For years afterward,He was convinced that someone took the money that was in that boarded up crate that was full of copies of P.T Barnum's autobiography.
I also wondered why P.T Barnum seemingly changed his mind as to which insitution was going to recieve Jumbo's skeleton.
Originally it was supposed to go to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C, but in 1889 it was delivered to the American Museum of Natural History in NYC.
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