Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ken Maynard Wild West 1936 #1

This is not a circus style Side Show but what was called a "10 in 1" on carnival midways. None the less it served the same purpose and as you can see, everything was freshly lettered and painted from hoof to helmet.


Anonymous said...

Happy 80th Birthday Fred Logan.....Hope you got alot of birthday cards....Last Saturday night at the - Emmett Kelly Tent Banquet Hagerstown, MD - forty members signed a card for Fred...

Anonymous said...

hey uncle buckles this is you nephew tony and wife babe, barbie sent me your website and i thought i should check out the site. comment me back whenever you get a chance

Buckles said...

Good morning Tony, where do you live now? We are in the midst of our favorite past time, tracking hurricanes.
This afternoon Shannon and I will have to decide whether or not to bring the boards from the elephant barn to cover our windows again.
I guess you know Mike is in Iraq sweeping for land mines. So far so good.
Good to hear from you, I'll keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

BUCKLES: This is off the subject of Ken Maynard, but like your Mike, I have a two cousins now in Iraq--one an Air Force Police (AP), securing our bases there, and another is a Navy SEAL. God bless them and bring them home safely.

HELLO, FRED LOGAN. A VERY HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Buckles' blogsite is the only way I have to reach you now. Somebody give me Fred's address.

Anonymous said...

Still not to late to send Fred Logan a belated birthday card.....
And for Roger Smith and anyone else I will post Fred Logan's address....

Fred Logan
3317 51st Street
Sarasota, FL 34235

You can usually catch Fred at Showfolks Club during Showfolks Club / Tent activities. It always a treat to cut up jackpots with Fred.

Anonymous said...

I never knew Freddie was that much older then the rest of us. Didn't you dad know him before you came along? Happy birthdate Freddie. For old time sake.