Friday, December 11, 2020




Chic Silber said...

Circus Celebrity visitors

included Harold "Tuffy" Genders

Vicki "La Toria" Unus & Bob Dover

Charles Hanson said...

Chic...Wasn't Bob Dover married to Antionetta Bisbini at one time? I met him only once and had a long conversation with him....what a heck of a nice guy to have such a sad ending to his life. He did not deserve what life handed to him......

Chic Silber said...

Bob "William Rosenthal" Dover

was married to Antonietta in

1955 but not for very long

Some years later he married

Kveta with whom he became

a father to Michelle in 70

& was heartbroken when they

divorced & had very little

contact with his daughter

It is suspected that became

responsible for his decline

Kveta later married Mickey

Antalek who died in 1984

Chic Silber said...

1 of Bob's brothers came

to a similar tragic end

Chic Silber said...

The ever vivacious Vicki

remains 1 of Kenny's &

my very dearest friends