Tuesday, July 14, 2020



Charles Hanson said...

What a talent...Was blessed to have seen all the Cristiani Family while still in their prime. Once you saw Lucio and the rest of the family work...you never forgot it. Burned in your memory...

Chic Silber said...

Seems a very slight caption

Kenny had a great relationship

with the entire family & still

is close with the last of the

original troupe "Corky"

Roger Smith said...

Lucio was more than a star. He was a good man, a gentleman even to the circus workingmen, like me. In Philadelphia, in '64, we had the new Sells and Gray Big Top for our Menagerie. Lucio came in there to stack hay bales up for practice of his back flip. Twice, there were just the two of us in there. When he hit a good one, he'd turn to me and style. My applause brought a great smile to his face. In the ring, at this later time in life for him, he continued to succeed with his back somersault from one horse to the next, and his pride lit up the ring. The greatest, yes, indeed.