Thursday, July 09, 2020



Chic Silber said...

Roger Boyd Jr's wife Marina

did a very nice hair routine

(this isn't her by the way)

Angela Martin said...

This is Dulce Vital....husband Benito....on Royal Hannaford 2011

Angela Martin said...

Spell check doesn't recognize one of the greatest names in circus...only the grocery chain. Go figure

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Angela

That grocery store brand of

products available in many

different supermarkets are

a reminder to me very often

However you of all folks

certainly know better

Hope all is well with you

& those you care about

Please send some images

from your new show to

These are really tough

times for all of us in

all of Show Business

Broadway has been shut

down since March 12th

Chic Silber said...

Ron Gill of Star Attractions

is helping Giovanni Zoppe

(Nino to many of us) with

some acts for his family

show to work a small fair

in California in August

Roger Smith said...

The complicated hardware above her is distracting.

Chic Silber said...

There needs to be some weight

above the hook & swivel so the

the line will come down before

the routine the pyramid is to

provide that weight & the cross

gives the gal 2 handholds for

support if & when she needs it