Sunday, June 07, 2020



Chic Silber said...

Gertrude Zimmerman & Trude Johann

performed as the Luvas Sisters

Chic Silber said...

These German lasses 1st

came over to the Mills Show

in the early to mid 50s

That's Struppi on the left

Chic Silber said...

Many other performers that

went on to great careers

in the US of A also started

on Mills before moving on

Roger Smith said...

Mills had a more illustrious history than many recall. When they closed, Sid Kellner began his James Bros. Circus canvas seasons by buying the Mills top. It was on Uncle Sid's show that I worked the Jungleland Fighting Lions for the first time under a Big Top. It was also then that I rode my first elephant, when Buckles Woodcock brought Anna May for me to make a grand entrance.

Roger Smith said...

Some of us remember the chant of the Mills Bros. guy-out gang: "Break your back for Jake and Jack, and down stake it for Harry!"

Roger Smith said...

OFF SUBJECT--THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH film is running now on CBS All Access Movies. I just saw it again, and it's all there. I should know. I can recite the dialog along with the actors.

And many other films are on there, too, classic and newer. Worth checking out.