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I hope this is a rehearsal photo, and not a house with one paying customer.
I'm looking at the those lights stationed on the high platforms. Are they working on a movie set?
They are Follospots Roger with real operators like what I had done in many of my early years The scaffolding unlike actual circus equipment shows that this is most likely during filming Most if not all of the units hung in strings are 14" to 18" Scoops Very likely 1K each
Real canvas top must be new There is not a mark on it
If this is in Hollywood then the operators were Local 16
From the shape of the bases these were "Strong" either Troupers or Super Troupers
Strong Electric Corporation City Park Avenue Toledo Ohio designed & built the best followspots & other carbon arc lamphouses utilized in a variety of motion picture projection equipment I had opportunity to meet Harry H Strong in my youth
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I hope this is a rehearsal photo, and not a house with one paying customer.
I'm looking at the those lights stationed on the high platforms. Are they working on a movie set?
They are Follospots Roger
with real operators like
what I had done in many
of my early years
The scaffolding unlike
actual circus equipment
shows that this is most
likely during filming
Most if not all of the
units hung in strings
are 14" to 18" Scoops
Very likely 1K each
Real canvas top must be new
There is not a mark on it
If this is in Hollywood then
the operators were Local 16
From the shape of the bases
these were "Strong" either
Troupers or Super Troupers
Strong Electric Corporation
City Park Avenue Toledo Ohio
designed & built the best
followspots & other carbon
arc lamphouses utilized in
a variety of motion picture
projection equipment
I had opportunity to meet
Harry H Strong in my youth
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