Wednesday, June 10, 2020



Roger Smith said...

And there it is. At his interment, Jane had 1902 as his birthdate.

Beatty rests, as stated above, in the expansive Courts of Remembrance, at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills. This is a massive outdoor walled structure. You drive up a sweeping roadway, and stop in front As you look at the outside entrance, to the left is the crypt of the Davis family, with star Bette Davis, her mother and sister. Go up the main steps, and take the first right turn. Look straight down, and you'll see Beatty's plaque, as CHIC has posted, is the only one vertical and of this size. All others in this section are horizontal and uniform in size. As you walk along toward Beatty's, note the names on the hundreds of plaques and one you'll find in Charles Laughton.

Jane Beatty Kuperstock died on her 76th birthday in 2000. Her widower, Saul Kuperstock, brought her from Boca Raton, Florida, to be interred next to Beatty. Above them rest her mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curran. A space is open to the right of Beatty's, presumably for Clyde, Jr.

Also in Courts of Remembrance, in the next section, are Liberace and his family, and nearby rest Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. Far away, in other areas of the cemetery, are buried Parley and Ernestine Baer. If you go there looking for your favorite stars, be respectful in knowing officials there do not direct people to specific markers.

Roger Smith said...

In spite of the perpetual care advertised by these cemeteries, the outdoor plaques suffer the elements. Los Angeles smog, acid rain, and the merciless California sun all take a continual toll on their appearance. To the left of the unguarded entrance gate is Forest Lawn's main building, in which you can arrange a complete funeral, patronize their flower and gift shops, and buy cleansers specific for the markers. I use WD-40 and my own scrub brush, and the effort needs repeating within the year.

Maps are available for sections of the grounds, but again, interment locations by name will not be included in any of the Forest Lawn operations.

Thank you, CHIC, for this memorial to Mr. Beatty. It is posted where it belongs.