Sunday, April 26, 2020



Chic Silber said...

Excellent gimmick indeed

But harder to get rid of

Roger Smith said...

For my money, the best one-finger artist since Unus has to be Lothar Geyer. I watched him develop this act on the '64 Beatty show, when he was part of the Freilani (sp?) bycycle act. Aside from that, Lothar was one of the good guys around the show, jackpotting with the workingmen like me, when our grande arteestes turned up their noses. To my surprise, Lothar was also skilled at maintaining trailers, and re-wired Mr. Beatty's Airstream when the whole system failed.

Chic Silber said...

Lothar was certainly a great fellow

I still have an older custom unicycle

he traded to me for some electric stuff

In his retirement he obtained a license

to operate a fishing charter boat he

kept in Cortez just before the bridge

to Holmes Beach with his 2nd Wife

I visited them a few times but neither

Kenny nor I can remember her name

Lothar's 1st wife was Jill from the

Digger Pugh troupe who was best of

friends with Heather Clements

Chic Silber said...

Kenny stopped by my office today

to show me some ancient treasures

A few to keep & a few to copy