Wednesday, September 18, 2019



Chic Silber said...

That chair is an offense to the Calli

Bob Cline said...

This wagon come to be around 1915 for Fred Buchanan's Yankee Robinson Circus. The Cole Bros. Circus got it from Wm. P. Hall who had liens on all of Buchanan's stuff. This went out on the 1938 Robbins Bros. Circus, then back to the Cole Bros. Circus. When Chappie Fox found it in Rochester,Indiana, it had no wheels and was being used as a coal shed.

Roger Smith said...

Right. Good relic-keeping demands thoughtful representation of the piece and its era.

Roger Smith said...

BOB: Wagon historians will know better than me how many were re-claimed like this one. I read of those found sunk to the frames in hog fields, and of others in similar states of disrespect. My hat is off to heroes of history who were able to restore them for posterity.

Don said...

I'm with you Chic,

All the work for an historically accurate restoration and then they throw a cheap contemporary chair in there. At least they could have removed it for the photo.

Don Covington

Richard King said...

There's also a Honda generator in back. Red wood chairs were standard issue in the circus parade days, now, I hink operator comfortt is where it's at. I did some work on that wagon in my day.