Monday, August 12, 2019



Chic Silber said...

7 poles on the back track

of "Circus America" to open

Abe Pollin's Capitol Center

in April of 1974 (wartime)

Roger Smith said...

You're not kidding. I'm still surprised DC isn't a devastated war zone.

Chic Silber said...

The war I was talking about

was between Abe Pollin of

Capitol Center & the Felds

(PS Abe won hands down)

Chic Silber said...

The Felds & the Pollins were

longtime DC family friends

Abe & Irvin had the basis

of an agreement for TGSOE

to open at his new arena

but they hired a "hotshot"

Earl Duryea who thought he

could outsmart Abe with a

better deal & lost it all

The following year they

played Cap Center at Abe's

original agreement terms

Chic Silber said...

Yes I know where many of

the bodies are burried

Roger Smith said...

In a quasi-serious vein, so does Kenny Feld, owning to the fact there is no more astute historian than he.

In a deadly serious vein, there is another name spoken of only once before on this Blog, who saw to the burials. I remember the name well. Do the guessing games begin?

Chic Silber said...

I'm sure you meant Kenneth H Dodd