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The 2nd row are standing on the train's flat cars
Mike Aria and Barbara only ones Styling...LOL!
CHIC: Are these flats part of your Happiness Train?
Nope Roger these are from the beautiful but poorly built realistic train set designed for this slightly "book" show "When The Circus Comes To Town" in the "Circus Day Theater" The train although to a small scale was too big to maneuver in the space alloted to circle the ring curb (kinda sorta) "My" Happiness Train for the 104th Edition was cartoon like A modified locomotive 2 cars & a very modified caboose in a bright color scheme chosen by Don Foote that after the 2nd year "Rodeo Route" went to the park to offer rides
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The 2nd row are standing
on the train's flat cars
Mike Aria and Barbara only ones Styling...LOL!
CHIC: Are these flats part of your Happiness Train?
Nope Roger these are from the
beautiful but poorly built
realistic train set designed
for this slightly "book" show
"When The Circus Comes To Town"
in the "Circus Day Theater"
The train although to a small
scale was too big to maneuver
in the space alloted to circle
the ring curb (kinda sorta)
"My" Happiness Train for the
104th Edition was cartoon like
A modified locomotive 2 cars
& a very modified caboose in
a bright color scheme chosen
by Don Foote that after the
2nd year "Rodeo Route" went
to the park to offer rides
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